Oberheiden, P.C.
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You’re likely looking for answers if you’ve received a subpoena, target letter, or indictment. That’s why we’re here. Many of our clients come to Oberheiden, P.C., after receiving a subpoena, target letter, or indictment. If you have received one of these documents and we know it can be scary we will walk you through it line by line. Our criminal defense lawyers in New York will explain the allegations at issue (and, in the case of a subpoena, whether you are the one being targeted), and our consultants will provide their insights as to why and how the government is building its case against you. Once you receive a subpoena, target letter, or indictment, there is no time to waste. At this point, federal agents and prosecutors are already on their way to pursuing civil enforcement action or a criminal conviction against you. We will get to work immediately and build a targeted and custom tailored defense strategy focused on the unique details of your situation so that we can fight for justice on your behalf and get the outcome possible for your case.
Our Services:
Federal defense, SEC defense, FTC defense, FBI defense
Phone: (718) 521-2659
Email: nick@federal-lawyer.com