Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley
San Jose sits on the land of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area. The present-day Muwekma Ohlone Tribe is comprised of the known surviving indigenous people of the San Francisco Bay region who trace their ancestry hrough the Missions Dolores, Santa Clara, and San Jose and those who were embers of the historic federally-recognized Verona Band of Alameda County. Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley thanks and honors the Muwekma Ohlone tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area for their generosity and hospitality in their ancestral and historic homeland.
San Jose: An Urban Indian Relocation Center
Today, over 70% of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) live in urban areas with California being home to one of the largest AI/AN populations in the country, including federally-recognized tribes, non-federally recognized tribes, tribes that were terminated by the US government, state recognized tribes, tribes petitioning for state and federal recognition, and urban Indian communities. In fact, California cities hold some of the highest concentrations of AI/ANs in the U.S. The 2010 Census reported that 26,569 AI/ANs live in Santa Clara County, representing over 180 tribes.