How Much Internet Do You Use?
In today’s world, many people are working from home, and many of us are using the internet more than we used to. This isn’t the case for everyone, though, so keep that in mind while you browse for internet service.
Different activities require different internet speeds. To figure out what internet speeds suit you and what plan fits in ‘affordable internet service‘, you need to determine how you’re using the internet, and how that breaks down in the following categories:
Light Internet Use:
Using the internet for basic tasks such as email, voice calls, news reading, basic video, and music streaming.
Moderate Use:
Engaging in activities listed under “Light” use, as well as streaming HD video, online gaming, multi-party video conferencing, or telecommuting.
High Use:
Doing everything in the “Light” use category as well as more than one of the “Moderate” uses or doing 4K streaming.
If you intend to use the internet for moderate activities, you’ll probably want to stick with average speeds of 12 to 25 Mbps. However high internet use would require high Internet speed ranging from 25-35 Mbps.