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Zaichik Stretching Techniques (formerly known as Kinesiological Stretching Technique) is a Trademarked and Copywrited concept, developed through ElasticSteel research by Paul Zaichik. The techniques used are almost impossible to describe without showing, simply because there is nothing to compare them to. This type of Safe, Fast and Easy method of stretching has never existed before. The purpose of Zaichik Stretching Techniques (ZST) is to avoid the stretch reflex, while increasing the range of motion of a specific muscle. This is strikingly different from previously known stretching techniques, which look to increase the ROM in a specific degree of freedom of a joint or group of joints (Hip flexion, shoulder rotation, neck extension, etc.). Zaichik Stretching Techniques simultaneously increases the flexibility of a muscle in all its actions, using reversible system of targets and leverages. This allows the stretch reflex to be avoided.